
The Venefit™ Procedure Advantage:

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Minimally Invasive
The Venefit™ procedure eliminates the need for groin surgery and general anesthesia. The procedure also results in little to no scarring and is generally performed using local anesthesia in a vein specialist’s office or an outpatient surgical facility.

Less Pain, Less Bruising, Faster Recovery
The 2009 RECOVERY Study compared the experience of patients treated with the ClosureFast catheter and those treated with the 980 nm laser. The study demonstrated:
  • Less pain, bruising and complications with the ClosureFast™ catheter
  • Up to four times faster improvement in patients’ quality of life with the ClosureFast™ catheter versus laser based on a quality of life questionnaire
Other studies have shown that patients receiving the Venefit™ procedure return to normal activity and work significantly faster than those undergoing vein stripping.

Positive Clinical Outcomes
The ClosureFast catheter has been shown in a prospective, international multicenter study to be 93% effective at three years using Kaplan Meier analysis.

The Venefit™ procedure is performed as a medical necessity as diagnosed by a trained vein specialist. It is not designed to address spider veins or cosmetic issues. However, the successful treatment of CVI using the Venefit™ procedure can produce cosmetic improvements.

As with any medical procedure, you should consult your vein specialist and review all safety information associated with any procedure.